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How to Make Watermelon and Feta Cheese Salad

Mediterranean Watermelon Salad with Cucumber, Feta, Fresh Herbs and a Honey-Lime Dressing

Mediterranean Watermelon Salad Recipe | The Mediterranean Dish. A light and fresh watermelon salad with cucumbers, feta cheese and fresh herbs. All dressed in a honey vinaigrette.

An easy, fresh and super light Mediterranean watermelon salad with cucumbers, creamy feta, loads of  fresh herbs, and a zesty honey-lime dressing! Watch my video and grab my tips below for the BEST watermelon salad you can serve at your next party. Serve it along with other summer favorites like: grilled chicken kabobs; Kofta; grilled shrimp; salmon; grilled zucchini salad; citrus avocado dip and more!

Mediterranean Watermelon Salad with Cucumber, Feta, Fresh Herbs and a Honey-Lime Dressing

Watermelon Salad Inspired By My Mediterranean Childhood

Growing up on the shores of the Mediterranean, my summers as a child consisted of two things: the beach and watermelons. My family lived just a couple blocks from the beaches of Port Said, Egypt, so our beach excursions were frequent. We got together with friends and neighbors early in the morning and walked to the beach in herds. And, nearly every family brought along a whole watermelon to share! It was our thing.

We spent long days on the sunny beaches-- our favorite snack, a slice of watermelon, topped with crumbled creamy feta cheese.

Watermelon and feta kinda run in my blood. I have always loved the combination of salty feta over sweet, cool watermelon. Today's watermelon salad recipe is inspired by that childhood love. It's the neater, more grown up version with a big flavor punch from fresh herbs and a zesty honey-lime dressing.

Mediterranean Watermelon Salad

Mediterranean Watermelon Salad Recipe

This watermelon salad starts with cubed watermelons. It's easy to peel a watermelon half and cut it up into cubes (see my video below), but you can also use a melon baller, if you want something more fancy.

I added English cucumbers, another cool ingredient here. English cucumbers are the longer ones, you'll find them typically wrapped in plastic. The reason I love using them is because they have thinner skin that is not waxy and, more importantly, they are seedless and tend to be sweeter. But you can use any cucumbers here, you may need to peel them first.

Ingredients for Mediterranean Watermelon Salad. Cubed watermelon, cucumber, fresh herbs, honey, lime

A generous amount of fresh herbs like mint and basil adds fragrance and a punch of freshness. For a simple dressing, a little farmer's market honey, lime juice, and Early Harvest Extra virgin olive oil. Granted, the dressing can be optional if you don't feel like adding it, but it does bring everything together beautifully.

And last, but not least, a generous sprinkle of quality creamy feta!

No big "cheffy skills" needed for this recipe. The key to the success of this watermelon salad is in choosing ripe watermelons.  Among other things, a good watermelon should be symmetrical and heavy for its size (I share my dad's tips for selecting watermelons in the video below.)

Watermelon, Cucumber, Feta, and Fresh Herbs in one large bowl

A Couple Tips for this Watermelon Salad

Remember that soon after watermelons are cut, the liquid slowly seeps out of the flesh, and along with it, the sweet flavor you associate with watermelon. So, this watermelon salad is best prepared and enjoyed on the same day. But, if you do need to do some prepping the night before, or if you have some leftovers, here are a couple of tips for you:

  • Make-Ahead: If you need to make this watermelon salad ahead of time, you can peel and cube the watermelon and cucumber and prepare the remaining ingredients, then store each in the fridge in separate containers. Add the dressing and mix the salad together just a few minutes before serving.
  • Leftovers: Because this is a super watery salad, with watermelon and cucumber being the star ingredients, it is best to finish it on the same day you prepare it. However, if you have some leftovers, you can store in a tight-lid glass container for a night or two (test before serving.)

Watch The Video for How to Make this Watermelon Salad

More Recipes to Try:

Mediterranean Tomato Salad with Herbs and Feta

Mediterranean Grilled Vegetables

Greek Baked Cod

Beef Kabobs

Mediterranean Oven-Roasted Spanish Mackerel




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An easy, fresh and super light Mediterranean watermelon salad. Three main ingredients: watermelon, cucumber, and feta cheese. But to take it to the next level, we add some fresh mint, basil, and a honey vinaigrette. The perfect dish for your next neighborhood party!

For the Honey Vinaigrette

  • 2 tablespoon honey
  • 2 tablespoon lime juice
  • 1 to 2 tablespoon quality extra virgin olive oil (I used Greek Early Harvest)
  • pinch of salt

For the Watermelon Salad

  • ½ watermelon, peeled, cut into cubes
  • 1 English (or Hot House) cucumber, cubed (about 2 cupfuls of cubed cucumbers)
  • 15 fresh mint leaves, chopped
  • 15 fresh basil leaves, chopped
  • ½ cup crumbled feta cheese, more to your liking

  1. In a small bowl, whisk together the honey, lime juice, olive oil and pinch of salt. Set aside for a moment.
  2. In a large bowl or serving platter with sides, combine the watermelon, cucumbers, and fresh herbs.
  3. Top the watermelon salad with the honey vinaigrette and gently toss to combine. Top with the feta cheese and serve!


  • Tip for Make-Ahead: If you need to make this watermelon salad ahead of time, you can peel and cube the watermelon and cucumber, and prepare the remaining ingredients, then store each in the fridge in separate containers. Add the dressing and mix the salad together just a few minutes before serving.
  • Tips for Leftovers: Because this is a super watery salad, with watermelon and cucumber being the star ingredients, it is best to finish it on the same day you prepare it. However, if you have some leftovers, you can store in a tight-lid glass container for a night or two (test before serving.)
  • Recommended for this Recipe: Early Harvest Greek extra virgin olive oil (from organically grown and processed Koroneiki olives!)
  • Visit our store to browse our spices, olive oils and bundles!
  • Prep Time: 15 mins
  • Category: Salad
  • Method: Mixed
  • Cuisine: Mediterranean

Keywords: Watermelon Salad, Best Watermelon Salad, Watermelon Salad with Feta

Mediterranean Watermelon Salad Recipe | The Mediterranean Dish. A light and fresh watermelon salad with cucumbers, feta cheese and fresh herbs. All dressed in a honey vinaigrette.

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How to Make Watermelon and Feta Cheese Salad
